My two bits …

I haven’t blogged in the longest time. Probably didn’t have a compelling enough thought to contribute. Did not feel an urge to offer an opinion, up until now I guess 🙂

I was surfing through channels the day Barack Obama was elected, when I was drawn to this debate on NDTV Profit where they were discussing the impact of the election results on India and outsourcing in particular. That is when the thought struck me! Why is it that when we Indians (and perhaps the entire world) are so closely affected by the results of the US elections, that we or at least our elected representatives not given a say (even if it is a minor percentage) in who should be the next US president (or the elected head of any other country for that matter).

Now we have to admit that no country can afford to live in isolation anymore or just offer their opinions from the sidelines while someone else is making the decision of how their future should be shaped. We have seen how the financial recession has shown its impact the world over, even though our Indian finance minister had been confident that India will not be affected too badly. We see the Indian airlines firing employees, Tata motors closing factory operations for a week to avoid inventory pile-up (uncannily the same happens with the automotive industry in US) and other such drastic measures. It is no longer the case that when the US gets a cold, the whole world gets fever. It’s just that the whole world including US catches the infection together and suffers and fights through it together.

The US elections have been observed closely the world over for the last 2 years and will most definitely play a hand in shaping our future. We have taken the opportunity to discuss it in detail, study it from all perspectives and offer our opinions. My idea is that it is only fair that we should have been allowed to participate in it.

Hmmm… With the Indian elections coming up, I wonder whether we can be bold enough to take the first step 🙂